Prehistoric Week review

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Wait..I thought there was week like this during the year?? o_O Either I’m confused or P.S is running out of ideas. Well yeah they would be..

Clothes: There are 4 costumes that are supposed to look like animals from the prehistoric age (like mammoth, sabertooth tiger etc) and cost 5 PSC each (WTF!) but you can buy them all for 18 PSC. -_-

Girls: 1900 coins if you buy everything seperately and 1700 if you buy it as a bundle. 3/5 The wig and hairclip are nice and the bright orange colour goes well with the light pink spots on the dress.

Boys: 1600 as a bundle. 3/5 The shirt-dress thing is cool but the blue feather looks like a tie. Prehistoric office wear. :p

Limited Edition:

Tuesday: Prehistoric Drum Set. I give 5/5 BECAUSE YOUR PET CAN PLAY WITH IT AND IT LOOKS AWESOME ANYWAY.  I kinda regret selling off my wooden lyre (Rare treasure from old Town Forest Map) because if you put it next to the drum set, get a friend to visit your house then the two pets can make music together!! Freaking cute!!! (=^.^=) Too bad I sold it. Note to Self: Never ever sell a rare treasure for money. And I had FOUR OF THEM AND SOLD THEM ALL. >.< I. Am. A. Fool. Well, a pretty lucky one. :p (I sold them all on different occasions okay?)



Wednesday&Thursday: A pink flying pterodactyl that your pet can ride on. For 17 PSC. They have a brown version also for 17 PSC. I doubt anyone would buy it. Pink: 2.5/5 Brown: 3/5 Because I think a brown pterodactyl would seem more realistic..

Featured Coin Item: Mrs Dinosaur Seat. The name sounds stupid I know.. It sold for 3000 coins on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs Dino looks like a pedosaur in this pic.

Fishing: You can catch all types of prehistoric ”fish” (though what kind of fish looks like an anemone thing from spongebob?) with a special bait that costs 6 PSC. OVERPRICED. This is TWICE the amount people had to pay for the Bakery Fish Bait. (Which, sadly, is not sold in the game anymore 😥 ) Damn them. Don’t buy it, unless you want proof Nessie exists.


PS: The blog did a pretty smart trick of posting their updates. Post 3 big pictures and finish. That probably makes loads of P.S bloggers who sometimes borrow their pics go “FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!” Well, whatever. The week gets a 3/5

Zombie Wedding week. (Review,or what do I call it?)

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I know it’s effing late, I dunno why I keep going to Fanfiction, Fanpop or Facebook instead of WordPress. Really, have I become one of those zombies who log off when they’re bored and 20 minutes later log back on because they’re bored? Apparently so  ‘cos I meant to do this yesterday.

Anyway, I’ll review some parts of the week (though I’ll probably do all) starting with the clothes.

There are 4 new sets of clothing this week: Frankenstein, his bride, the flower girl and ring bearer. Since both Frankenstein and his bride’s outfits are priced at a retarded 13 PSC each, Thalia can only ‘model’ the other two.

Flower Girl: It’s 1150 coins if you buy everything separately and 1000 coins if you buy it a a bundle. The tights and shoes are nice and so is the headpiece thing with black roses. The dress is OK but it makes Thalia look fat so… :/ I give it 3.5/5.

The ring bearer’s outfit is nicer so I give it 4/5. Nevermind that Thalia is a girl and she’s wearing a boy’s outfit.

The Limited Editions:

Tuesday: The Surprise Coffin gets a 3/5. 1 point for the cheap 900 coins price, 1 for the cool design and 1 for the surprises Thalia got. Actually we only got 3 surprises which weren’t surprises after the 10th time we opened the coffin. Well, to me. Thalia laughs each and every time. Right now, she just opened the coffin and laughed. 🙂 Pink bunny rabbit, monster hand and bats. Though why a coffin? It’s a wedding! o_O


Wednesday&Thursday: It’s still available but not for long! Since it’s 9 PSC (And I only have 6 which I’m saving up for something) I can’t buy it but it’s an ordinary looking balcony but when the lightning flashes, a ghost appears. Then disappears. This item is the 2nd of the three things that will be available for purchase each week. Once you collect them all, you get a reward which I think is an extra room.

The Weekly Treasure is something like the limited edition from Royal Wedding week. Except it’s just been modified to fit the zombie theme. 3/5

Practically no diff. (._.”)

There’s also a new fish: The Bride of Frankenfish. Wow. Creative. :p It can be caught with the Halloween Sundae or Milkshake for 100 coins and 50 coins respectively.

That’s pretty much all for Zombie Wedding Week. Congrats to Franky and his bride. 😉

PS. If you’re a fan of Percabeth and you haven’t read the The Son Of Neptune yet, here’s an awesome Fanfiction to keep you busy:     Contains NO spoilers. 🙂

I wait a whole year and it’s a cliffhanger?!!


OK–this has nothing to do with Pet Society. Diehard P.S fans, this will be as interesting as a mouldy sock. 😉 Spoilers included.

 Anyway, I’m talking about the new Heroes of Olympus book–The Son of Neptune. I mean, last year after finishing The Lost Hero in 4 hours with a pounding headache from all that awesomeness, I saw when the next book come out and “WTF ARE YOU FISHING SERIOUS?!” was my reaction. The Lost Hero-cliffhanger, I can die already, now I have to wait?!!!

So I waited one freaking year for it, entertaining myself with dozens of Fanfictions and a whole lot of imaginary Percabeth scenes. Then after a dramatic reaction at Popular after seeing the book on the shelves and 3 days later…. Not Exactly Satisfied. I give it…3.5/5.  The Lost Hero was better.  Maybe it’s because the “newbies” in TLH have better sad situations from the past. Leo lost his mother and keeps blaming himself for it, for his awesome fire powers because of what he might do in the future. Piper steals stuff using her charmspeak just so she can get her father’s attention and she wants so badly to have a normal life. Like AWWWW, I would give them more sympathy than Hazel and Frank.

Ok, maybe Hazel has a pretty epic background too, being born in 1929, came back from the dead thanks to Nico Di Angelo, can control precious metals, on Gaia’s orders raised Alcyoneus so she would destroy her mother but in the end destroyed him and stuff like that. ❤ But Frank?? Ummm. I still don’t get why his life depends on a piece of WOOD. So just because he has mixed blood of Roman, Greek and Chinese (Does Li Jien/LEGION in China even EXIST?!)and can shapeshift, is a great tactition and awesome speller doesn’t mean he has to have a HUGE weakness…right?

And let another round of waiting for…..The Mark of Athena commence! Its coming out in October next year. I think it’s about  Annabeth since she’s the only one of the Seven not gone through in detail in Heroes Of Olympus. At least Percy has the memories. If Annabeth is really one of the Seven (please, Rick??? *uses wide grey eyes tactic*) it’s hugely unfair that she doesn’t have any sort of superpower apart from her intelligence.

Percy: Water Control, Can talk to horses, Can breathe underwater

Frank: Shapeshift

Hazel: Controls precious metals

Jason: Can summon lightning, can fly/control the winds

Piper: Charmspeak

Leo: Can control fire

Annabeth: ??????? Except super smart.

Well, I hope The Mark of Athena will be great..:D WELL IT BETTER BE. AND NOT A CLIFFHANGER LIKE SON OF NEPTUNE!!! *points index finger threateningly at Rick somewhere in dunnowhere*



New Graveyard Map!! =D

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This year, the Graveyard Map is back and it has new items! The map will be here until 10 November.  The stuf I’ve gotten so far is pretty cool: Cat clocks, bouncy bats, Halloween Prince and Pumpkin Witch bundles, banner, balloons and a wig. 

Also,P.S has released 3 new poos for the Halloween season. o_O They’re in the shape of a bat, Jack-O-Lantern and skull. You get them by making sure your pet’s health is from about 90-99 with 3 flies and in relatively empty room. (Well it can be in a damn crowded room full of toys and furniture but your pet will get distracted and it will take longer) Thalia has all 3 but I think the skull-shaped one is the ‘rarest’ and the bat-shaped one the most common. But I think the bat-shaped one looks the nicest. 🙂



Ok I know the pic is enormous but I made the height too tall on Picnik. (._.”) Fail.


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Hey, I’m back from like 3 months of absence from this blog and I know hardly anyone will be reading this since you’ve probably been to other blogs on P.S. But whatever. I checked the stats on my blog and people have actually visited! 🙂 The last time I checked I had about 12,000 views now I have 14,000+! Thanks everyone who’s visited even if I have no idea who you are.

So now the exams are over, I have about 2 months to do whatever I want and wait for the results. Yay. I’m not expecting a high score ‘cos the exam wasn’t too easy. 😦  Like what the hell MOE why did you make the Maths paper so hard?! 😡

I could probably type out a ten page essay on the exams but whatever. Anyway, I’ve been thinking about turning this blog into more of a review blog because it’s not very fun typing out the same info that a thousand other people also did. Ok I will STILL cover the stuff but I won’t go into such fine detail as posting the outcomes of everything in a mystery capsule.. 🙂

Back! After so long. Miss me?

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You don’t, do you? Well for most of my miserable June, I was busy doing my revision and stuff like that and had no time to post. Sorry. Hopefully THIS won’t be my last post. Don’t expect anything new for the next 3 months. Yeah. 12 weeks. Shocker. You can have fun on the games page though. 😉 Told’cha long time ago..since like JANUARY. Just a heads-up for the hundred thousandth time.

Ok, I may have missed lots of weeks but I am NOT gonna miss…


Wait wth? School’s gonna START for me! And in the states and elsewhere they have the holidays in late June? Confusing. o_O And for how long? Longer than a month?


Mystery Boxes:






LEs’ Both are very similar and no-one loves pink so much now. What? You do? Make sure you get some PSC then!



Wednesday & Thursday: (Cash. but thank goodness it’s super ugly– to me)



New fish: Scout fish, any bait

Free gift:


Weekly Treasure: Clever Beaver Bundle. Since when were beavers clever?


~~Yes I KNOW this is the worst weekly post ever but I really can’t juggle my studies and this blog together and all my other classes. Nonono not quitting just gonna TAKE A BREAK from blogging for 3 months or so. Intense studying. So well, see ya in 3 months. I might post in between though. Authors, you can help me post IF you’re free which I presume you’re not. I’ll try to sneak a post in but WP-ing takes a lot of my time as the com freezes a lot.

A GREAT way to make money- today only


Today, the Strawberry Pink Chef Bundle is going on sale- for 3 coins instead of the usual 1000! And what’s more, it sells for 333 coins!! The offer is on only for today to buy them and sell them! It also gives you 2000 recycle points if you want to recycle it.

Probably a glitch but TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Thalia and I have like 25k instead of the 700 we had 2 days ago! And do it FAST. The price of it will probably increase to like 300 coins BY THIS EVENING GMT.


It's like the Great Singapore Sale. Except even better deals. O_O


AREN'T I?!! 😀


Just this random pic that took me 10 mins to take..



Speed of the arrow: About 100 cm per second.. xD THAT'S FREAKING FAST TO CATCH.

The apple hat btw, is called the William Tell Hat (wth?) and is next week’s Weekly Treasure. Once the apple is worn, an arrow shoots out of nowhere and pierces the apple. I wanted to catch the arrow flying mid-air and this totally took a lot of work. Just sharing some stuff, and if you get the Weekly Treasure, why not try to take a pic of the arrow before it strikes the apple? o.o

Good Angel Gone Bad Chapter 3

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19th April, Thursday, my home on 11 Cirrus Street

Dear Diary,

You know my sewing test? Well I FAILED it. No surprise anyway, I’m hopeless at it despite what Mrs Stitch says about me being good at it. Lara on the other hand, ACED the test. Out of 100, I scored 47. But as I leafed through it, it wasn’t that hard- easy even! But only when Mrs Stitch explained how to fully answer the questions did I find it easy. Oh well I DESERVE it. I didn’t study or practice my sewing. The humans think Heaven is the best place ever. It’s not, alright? I’m having the lousiest time in school EVER!! I apologise if I sound slightly angry because I AM. In Magic, we were suppose to create our own spells and you know what spell Lara made? The Heavy Spell. And she put that on me, the little witch! My wings which usually feel like nothing suddenly felt like lead. I fell off my chair and couldn’t get up until Lara silently removed it. Absolute humiliation! After that, I changed my shape-shifting spell to a removal spell in case Lara tries it again.

Also, my classmate in emphathy, John, said he felt sorry for me, I don’t know why but his made me feel better, almost warm. Most of the other sorries sounded like “Oh sorry I laughed so hard at you in Magic, Thalia. The only reason why I was laughing was because your knickers said Wonderful Wednesdays!” Yes they said Wonderful Wednesdays. Why should they bother? In class, when some angels float down the aisles, they smack my head. Not very hard but in the “What’s up, Dog?” way humans use. Lovely.

Well, I wish I could write more but my hurt is far too deep to be put into words. And I have an essay on human emotions to do. I’m going to base my essay on shame and hurt. Perhaps this will raise some awareness on bullying in the Heavenly School.

Thalia ❤

Thalia set to work immediately, writing comparisons between the Human World and Heaven which unfortunately, did not have many differences. Her point was bullying and how it hurt humans so much they were driven to suicide and in some cases, killed their friends. Guardian Angels were to soothe these emotions so they wouldn’t do anything drastic that might send them to the Underworld. Thalia longed for the day she would graduate, which would be sometime in October where she could finally get her halo and get assigned to a child. And mostly, leave her horrible school. Horrible except for John who was the nicest person she had met in the school so far. Thalia was a knowledgeable angel but even she did not know everything, come on she’s only 14. But what she didn’t know was that what she was writing about would soon become her…


I hope you like Chapter 3, a  little lame but I’m already getting to the climax!!!



Elven Kingdom Week.

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Ok I know this is insanely late to be an update but whatever, the only reason why I procrastinate is because my com keeps freezing whenever I upload stuff. Internet Explorer, we are at WAR. Internet Explorer: Cookie, I can just abort any logins to facebook and wordpress and you’re finished. Me: Ok finneee 😦 I’ll call off the war, abort Operation War minions!

Weekly Treasure: Gray wizard bundle:


Free Gift:



Tuesday: Expired. I hope you got it, it was a pretty awesome LE for a cool 2000. (Now I just sounded like a millionaire. Which I’m not. But in general PS terms, 2000 is kinda cheap compared to whatever 70 x 54000 is, which is the price people pay for one Alice In Wonderland Bundle.)


Wednesday & Thursday- still on!


New fish! Wizard fish- any bait


Mystery Boxes




That’s Elven Kingdom Week or Order of the Paw Week (or whatever). I’m trying to post more but SCHOOL is getting in the way. I’m gonna do the 3rd Chapter of my story by the end of this week.

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