WordPress & Blogging help

Ok, so lately I’ve been getting an overload of Qs’ on this and that so I’m gonna group it all here so you won’t need to ask anymore..

So FAQs’:

How did you get your background?

A: Go to your dashboard, look to the left, look under Appearance and find back ground. There, is up to your imagination. Just choose a nice picture that is part of a background (or it’ll look really odd) and not too dark if you’re using a theme like mine and especially if you have lot’s of things on the sidebar.

Too wordy? Here’s a pic:

How do I add a menu on top?

A: It just appears there as it’s part of the settings of my blog (Bueno, awesome theme for beginners and very customisable. Notepad is good too). To get those page thingys, go to your Dashboard and look for Pages. Now create a page. If you want to do something like “Dance” and put Jazz, Ballet and Tap under it, create those pages and put their parent as “Dance”.

How do I change the image besides the URL of my blog?

Go to your Settings (Go to Dashboard first), you will be taken to the “General Settings” place and there will be a sign on the right that says “Blog picture/icon”. Now just choose your pic, crop it and upload it. Only jpeg and png file types allowed!



This part of the page (cos I’m too lazy to make another :9) will tell you what you can do to get more visitors/comments and yeah those sorts of things. But first let me go through the DON’Ts.

Do not start your post with an insult then say it was the fault of your brother/sister . Everyone who has used a keyboard is definitely smart enough to know there is such a thing as the BACKSPACE KEY. Use it if your brother/sister types something mean. If you left it there it means YOU typed the insult. Take responsibility for your actions.

Eg. Hi people- YOU ALL SUCK LIKE #$%^&* AND GO AND DIE!! Ooopsie, that was my brother.

Why didn’t she press the backspace? Because she wrote it. Seriously I HAVE seen people do that before. Don’t do that because who is reading the post? Your readers. Don’t chase them away.

If you want automatic music on your blog, don’t put the volume too loud. The music is meant to be soft for the reader’s enjoyment while she/he reads the post. Unless your whole blog is centred around music and you want people to hear it.

The title of your blog should state what you’re blogging about eg. Cookiesweet99’s Pet Society Cheats and Tips. That way, your blog will appear on Google if someone searches Pet Society Cheats because I have those keywords. But of course, the person might go to another site but there are chances of him/her going to yours with the keywords “Pet Society” and “cheats” rather than My blog of stuff.  But if yours is like a random blog on your life maybe you can put something like “The [insert adjetive here] life of so and so.” Or something that sounds like a famous book.

Try not to swear on your blog because that gives the idea you hate the world, you hate the viewers and your really vulgar. Okay, maybe in real life you DO curse a little, hold it online.

Don’t copy too much from others. People want originality NOT how good a copycat you are. Get your own pics, and put your seal across them so no-one can copy it and claim it as their own. It’s good to put your seal right across the pic so the person can’t crop it off without destroying the pic. Of course, don’t put the seal in such a way you ruin the whole thing. Medium-sized fonts in light grey are best. And DON’T GO OVERBOARD with the sealing.

If you want more info maaayyybbeee I can answer your Qs’ but the info above is what I can give you at the moment so I’ll come back and update ina couple of months. 🙂

9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. squeezysinker29
    Mar 12, 2011 @ 01:53:29

    How do you upload the mixpod? I tried to do it but failed. 😦


  2. Cookiesweet99ღ
    Mar 12, 2011 @ 13:39:59

    @squeezysinker29 After making the mixpod, you have to QUICKPRESS it onto your blog as a POST. Once you’ve done that, go to “posts” and find the one with the mixpod in it. There’s two tabs that say Visual and HTML. Click HTML and copy the code (that’s the mixpod in HTML form, if you click visual, then you see the actual thing) and go to Widgets. Make a text widget and drag it to wherever in the sidebar. Open that text widget and paste the HTML code in. Done. If you want the full version click this link: http://kka2297.wordpress.com/wordpress-help-2/


  3. squeezysinker29
    Mar 13, 2011 @ 16:54:22

    Okay, so I’ve done that but there was no I Pod! Just a link!


  4. Cookiesweet99ღ
    Mar 14, 2011 @ 17:00:36

    Did you look under the “Other sites” thing and find wordpress, then key in the log in info and post it as a post onto your blog?? If you did, it may be a technical error that’ll be fixed soon.. you can borrow this code for now:

    [ gigya width=”165″ height=”382″ src=”http://assets.myflashfetish.com/swf/mp3/mff-nano.swf?myid=66549993&path=2010/09/11″ quality=”high” flashvars=”mycolor=dc90eb&mycolor2=000000&mycolor3=ed1aaa&autoplay=false&rand=0&f=4&vol=100&pat=11&grad=false” salign=”TL” wmode=”transparent” ]

    Music Playlist at MixPod.com

    I’ve left 2 spaces between the bracket and “gigya”, copy it and close up the gaps.


  5. squeezysinker29
    Mar 14, 2011 @ 20:51:01

    Thanks so much!


  6. Cookiesweet99ღ
    Mar 26, 2011 @ 21:29:42

    You’re welcome, srry I didn’t reply earlier.. 😦


  7. eve isk
    May 30, 2011 @ 06:27:41

    Love people who can tell their ideas clearly. Thank you.


  8. meekimeer07
    Jun 19, 2011 @ 16:32:04

    how do you get the column at the side of ur blog?


    • Cookies99ღ
      Jun 23, 2011 @ 20:56:39


      All themes have the sidebar, go to Appearance, Widgets. Drag the widgets you want eg. Twitter, to the sidebar. Put in the info and save it. Your sidebar should show up afterwards. If you theme is something like Vertigo, the sidebar will be located right under all your blog posts


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